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时间:2016/5/26 8:58:57   文章来源 :菠菜导航担保网糖业集团

    日照阳光热电有限公司成立于2003年2月,现注册资本金1亿元人民币 。公司现有3台75T/H循环流化床锅炉 ,2台15MW抽凝式汽轮发电机组,于2012年新增260吨锅炉2台 ,背压机组1台 。可实现对外供应蒸汽能力420T/H,年发电量,4.32亿千瓦时 ,冬季供暖面积300万平方米。公司已建主蒸汽管线30公里,主循环水管线35公里,管线全面覆盖日照经济开发区及奎山街道。

    公司将按照现代化、专业化的要求,调整和优化企业组织结构及经营结构,以市场前景为导向,以热电生产为依托 ,走资源综合利用 ,集约化经营发展道路,真诚服务社会,努力提高企业经济效益和社会效益。


General Introduction to Rizhao Sunshine Thermoelectricity Co., Ltd.

    Rizhao Sunshine Thermoelectricity Co., Ltd. is established in February 2003 with the current registered capital 100 million RMB. The company currently owns 3 circulating fluidized bed boilers of 75T/H, 2 extraction condensing turbine generator sets of 15MW. In 2012, 2 boilers of 260 tons and 1 back pressure set were added. The company can realize the steam providing ability of 420T/H, 432 million KW/H of electricity annually, and heating of 3 million square meters in winter. The company has built main steam pipe of 30 kilometers, main circulating water pipeline 35 kilometers, covering Rizhao Economic-Technology Development Area and Kuishan District.

    According to the requirement of modernization and professionalization, the company will adjust and optimize the organization structure and managing structure. Directed by the market preview, based on thermoelectricity industry, the company will develop in a way of multi-industry, resource comprehensive utilization and intensification management, sincerely serve the society to improve the enterprise’s economic benefits and social benefits.


集团地址 :日照经济技术开发区秦皇岛路59号凌海大酒店    全国服务热线:0633-3602298

集团销售部电话:0633-3602298    集团销售部办公地址:日照经济技术开发区秦皇岛路59号凌海大酒店裙楼

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